Walio Wengi Initiative

Walio Wengi is an initiative that seeks to amend our constitution article 122. (1) that states as follows “Except as otherwise provided in this Constitution, any question proposed for decision in either House of Parliament shall be determined by a majority of the members in that House, present and voting."

We want that changed to “a majority of the entire membership of the house”.

This is known as an absolute majority. Absolute majority refers to a majority of more than 50% of the House's total membership.

Sign the Petition

Types of Majorities in Parliamentary Decisions

There are three (3) types of majority’s when it comes to making decisions in parliament.

  1. Super majority: where 2/3 of the entire house membership must support a motion for it to pass.
  2. Simple majority: where provided the quorum has been attained, decisions can be made. We can call this the minority few.
  3. Absolute majority: where at least half of the entire membership must support a motion.
  4. Our constitution provides for instances when options 1 and 2 can be applied but doesn’t make provision for the third option. This explains why most bills and motions sail through in parliament so easily.

Parliament of Kenya
Kenyan Parliament session in progress. Photo by Jeff Angote.

The Need for an Absolute Majority

For a bill to pass into law, one only needs to have as many supporting MPs to be present and voting in parliament and as many who are dissenting or indecisive to be absent from the chambers. A classic example in recent history is when the IEBC selection panel bill was being processed. It was brought before the house at a time when many MPs were attending the EALA games in Juba, South Sudan.

Endorsement Form

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Upholding Democratic Ideals

Democracy has been defined as a system of government by the people, either directly or indirectly through elected representatives. The most profound clarion call of democracy is that the majority have their way while the minority have their say. We pride ourselves as being a democracy; therefore, we ought to exercise and live by democratic ideals.

The national assembly and county assemblies are the only organs of governance that represent the people. The senate represents the counties and serves to protect their interests and their governments.

Advantages of Using Absolute Majority

  1. Solve the problem of chronic absenteeism from the house. Our plenary sessions are largely empty.
  2. Fix the growing lethargy towards parliamentary business amongst members.
  3. Reflect the will of the greater public.
  4. Give public participation meaning.
  5. Increase the legitimacy of the decision taken.

By adopting an absolute majority, we can ensure that our legislative processes are more representative, inclusive, and democratic. This change will help in addressing current issues in our parliamentary system and enhance the overall governance of our country.

Support Us

We have created a portal www.waliowengi.org to collect signatures from members of the public pursuant to constitutional provisions. This initiative aims to advocate for amendments to Article 122(1) of the constitution under the Walio Wengi initiative. Together, let us enhance accountability on the side of the government and promote good governance for the benefit of all Kenyans.

Let's Get In Touch!

Ready to work with us or contribute an idea on making Kenya Great? Give us a call or send us an email and we will get back to you as soon as possible!

Mwai Gachunga

Director WALIO WENGI initiative